Monday, May 28, 2012

May Semester Break

It's Sunday, which the last day for my semester break...but it's actually not really our holiday break because almost everyday is like a working day.

Monday morning- Site measurement for the final design project
Tuesday morning- Culture and History assignment, Design comm. workshop
Wednesday- Group meeting, SWOT analysis
Thursday evening - Start making 1:50 scale site model (build the experimental theatre, multi-purpose hall)
Friday noon till  Saturday morning- continue making model, add details, ...
Saturday morning till Sunday morning- continue making model, add details, railings, ...


but that's not the end of the project yet.

Here comes the first individual part of the project, whIch we will have to identify the profile of our selected client, conduct research on their background.

I feel like a stalker XD

Anyway, this will help me to identify possible functions to design spaces for the proposed site, which is just behind the MPH.

The design will need to be grafted onto a wall surface.

Then, I have to show the user's profile on this coming Wednesday!

Basically, we build the site model and utilized it in the development of the design.

Then, we have 1 week to express our idea by construct a 40 sqm conceptual model 
2 weeks to translate ideas into space by produce models and sketch.

Last, we got to do 3D graphic visualization.

1 manually rendered axonometric/ perspective sketch, drawings of plan, sections, and axonometric.

Whoaaaaaaaaa there's a lot of stuff to do so I'm gonna stop here.

Take care.

Angeline K.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Be Brave

Having the bravery to face difficulties is the hardest step; working through the problem is often easier than you think. 

The first step is always 
the hardest.

I have to face problems however difficult they are.

Friday, April 27, 2012

4th week

It's my 4th week. I was so busy with my assignments. It's coming non-stop so we will have to effectively schedule our time so we can get on the track. I have to brush up eyes and hands coordination skill. On Sunday, we stayed at the design studio to finish the model. We had a 1:20 scale model design studio submission on Monday, 4 sketches for design comm. on Thursday.

For design studio submission, we waited for about 1 1/2 hour  for our lecturers to evaluate our model. Quite amount on money spent on the models. I can buy a lots of clothes with that already. T_T. I got a shock of my life ><. A numbers of models were chosen to be built for project 2A: Hide and Peep. Then, we grouped ourselves again into 14 members and we got the plastic model. Well, I can't wait to do model exploration :)

Not forget to mention design comm. same like previous time, we placed our presentation board on the drafting table and the wall of the room and then left for 2 and half hour for our lecturers to do evaluation.

Also, Friday submission of the essay draft of the precendent study right after the lecture. Everything happen so fast. First time of my life, I slept less than 5 hours in a week so I very glad managed to get some rest this weekend. I slept for 10 hours yesterday X)

K till next time.

Angeline K


Thursday, April 19, 2012

3rd week, 3 submissions

3rd week, Thursday 

Time flies


it's the 3rd week already  

3 submissions done.

haven't got to sleep well for the past few days @@

I can't feel myself already.

I like listening to the lecture because lecturers share their life experience with us

There's a lot of interesting examples for us to see.

At the same time,

More assignments rushing in...

Gotta submit 4 sketches, 5 models as a group of 4 members, 15 variations of own model

using previous design principles like repetition, aggregation, order, rhythm, subtraction, or others like balance, asymmetry, hierarchy, ...


It's tracing and rendering time!

Angeline K

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Design Communication

Day 2

A rainy to begin my day.

Design communication.

Brief talk

orthographic drawing, axonometric drawing, tonal values, ...

Convey ideas

through sketch, plan, elevation, section, ...

Inspiring ideas and sketches

On-site drawing on campus.

Surprised to see a book fair bee walking in front of me while sketching in the library.

Things to take note:

shade and shadows






brief description

architectural lettering

Gotto practice a lot of sketching!

You can do better than this ><


Angeline K.

Monday, April 2, 2012

First day of studio class

It's the first day of studio class after some short breaks. I got into group A so it's a morning class session. We had a brief talk. Some terminologies were introduced to us. Nothing much happened. We remained in our seats and just to be able to relax and listened to our lecturers till the class was dismissed.

Things to bring: A4 sketchbook , A3 butter sketch book, balsa strips, foam board, paperboard, wire mesh, rubber sheet a.k.a rubber mat, skewers a.k.a Satay sticks...and not to forget other model-making materials and tools like glue, superglue, scissors, rubber sheet, ...

Welcome to Taylor's University Lakeside Campus my new friends.
It's time to start my engine and get it to full throttle.

Gotta go!

Angeline K

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

X-field: Cross disciplinary practice

Hello! I miss SABD lecture series so much! Hmmm when is the next lecture series? Okay, let me share with you something about the lecture. I saved the blog post as a draft in Windows Liver Writer and I leave it until now. So here's what I typed after attending the SABD Lecture Series in last year...

"Today, I went to the SABD Lecture Series at LT12. It’s about the X-field: Cross disciplinary practice. Well, it is not a compulsory attendance. My curiosity towards the cross disciplinary brought me there.

So, there’s not much people attended the lecture, probably because it was conducted during lunch hour but it was short and understandable. Basically, the invited speaker presented the projects by RMIT students and lecturers. I was fascinated by her interest in taking photographs of mops and collecting the oranges around the world.

What I remembered the most during her lecture was she said that we must do observation such as the movement of people, the lights, the shadow of wind, etc, rather reading tons of books.

She also encouraged us to join talk, discussion, so that we can interact and find out more about Architecture. All the memories had been brought up to my mind when she was showing the collections of Ephemeral Architecture like miniature arts.

She introduced a little bit about landscape architecture. And so, she showed us some aerial photographs and told us that the architects walked 100 miles to do site analysis, sketch the pics, build the house that adapts the environment. the shadows of the trees fall on the wall of the building during the dawn or dusk. She also talked about political architecture, like what makes you to decide designing the structure."

What's the name of the lecturer ? I remembered that she's a lecturer from RMIT. Do you know "her"?

Pls tell me if you do so.

I'll be back.

Angeline K

Monday, March 26, 2012

Music is my soul

After a long tired day, I'm back to playing music again

The 3 Things

3 important things to keep in mind.

Goal, Priority, Balance.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Holidays are coming to an end...

Time flies.

In the twinkling of an eye, holidays are coming to an end. 

I would share with you a bit of my trip to Tasik Perdana, KL.

I could vividly remember that it was a sunny day.

Yup, a good weather to go for a trip.

It's an eye-opening trip for me.

Travelling helps me open my mind and adopt a new perspective.

It has been almost a year since the trip actually.

I started to pay attention to details, pattern, texture, ...


All in all, a pretty good trip.

That's all for now

I shall sleep, like a boss tonight.

Good night.


Angeline K

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Google Sketchup

I got Google Sketchup installed on my laptop some time ago. I was interested in trying Google Sketchup. Finally, I got the chance to try it out. So here's the simple 3D visualization I did just for fun :)

The house model very a basic one...not according to any rules. Please don't follow aiiks...what a bad example >< . Next time, I'll show a better one. So yeah, I would like to learn more about Google Sketchup so shall I start practicing the mouse skills so that I can catch a mouse? I need to estimate completion time accurately. More shortcut keys should be learned to make our life easier in doing architectural modelling. There's also quite a number of tutorial videos on the web. Overall, Google Sketchup is fun and user-friendly. Quick and easy ketchup. Opps! Google sketchup sounds like ketchup. Hmm, the person who named must have been eating a lot of ketchup. XD

Okay, enough is enough.

Coming up next: Blender VS Google Sketchup VS CAD VS Rhino VS Vray VS Indigo. Which one will win. By the way, I'm reading a forum I like this quote "...just hate when things like this degenerate into "A must be used for this, B must be used for this, A is better than B, B is better than A, etc.". I think the best judge of what a program can do is to take a look in its user gallery or see how it integrates in other artists' workflow. I like modeling my windows in Blender for the most part because I'm a bit OCD when it comes to keeping my mesh sparkly clean. That said, I'm also guilty of hacking out quick study models in SketchUp (even though I barely know how to use it, hard to be interested in it). I've also seen very clean models done in SketchUp that are a breeze to work with, so that's why I find it very hard to say what is best. I'd rather stress good modeling practice and discipline, as those can be applied to either or :P"

I'll be be continued......


Hello! Hello! Hello! I can't believe it's mid March already. I'm having enjoyable holidays. But, I feel like my muscles are weakening so time for me to get my butt off and start running again!

I promised myself to be strong. So, I went out for a walk.

Yes, it's fun to talk a walk in the early morning.

Look! what I found during that time!

It's a snail.Sails are slow but they have strong muscle as a result of steady movement.

I like the natural colour of the shell. Look at the unique texture of the shell. Wonderful! It looks good, doesn't it?

p/s 1: How's new logo for my photo signature?
p/s 2: Actually, this photo was taken for quite some time ago during first of October last year. HAHA!

That's all for now.

Take care.

Angeline K.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year 2012

Yeah, it's the first day of Chinese New Year! I'm wishing a HAPPY, healthy and blessed Chinese New Year ahead! Last but not least, GONG XI FA CAI! ANG PAU NA LAI ;)

Friday, January 6, 2012

KL Here I Come

I haven't really blogged in centuries and this is a very random post. I have the urge to write this post and take it as a personal reminder while taking photos in KL.

So yeah..I went to KL on Christmas Eve. It's my first time to venture to older part of KL streets and places of worship around KL just for photo-shooting activity. 

Yup, KL a must-go place for tourists as you can see the liveliness atmosphere and the diversity of culture in KL.

During the journey, I got to capture photos based on my selected theme and concept which are harmonious culture and texture in KL in context of social activity, food, architecture, etc. 

I tried to be attentive to the details as possible to capture good moments. 

Now, I know that photo-shooting in places of worship are not as easy as I what think while trying a capture the right moment and not to disturb people from their worshiping activity. 

I was taking photos as paparazzi. HAHA. 

The people in worship place are friendly and kind to let me to take photos. The KL trip is a good experience for me. I  must have the courage to take more close-up photo.

Texture photography, here I come! 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's 2012! Happy New Year! Okay, here's a classic new year wish. I wish everyone a great and fulfilling year ahead. Stay tuned and I'll be back!