Friday, January 6, 2012

KL Here I Come

I haven't really blogged in centuries and this is a very random post. I have the urge to write this post and take it as a personal reminder while taking photos in KL.

So yeah..I went to KL on Christmas Eve. It's my first time to venture to older part of KL streets and places of worship around KL just for photo-shooting activity. 

Yup, KL a must-go place for tourists as you can see the liveliness atmosphere and the diversity of culture in KL.

During the journey, I got to capture photos based on my selected theme and concept which are harmonious culture and texture in KL in context of social activity, food, architecture, etc. 

I tried to be attentive to the details as possible to capture good moments. 

Now, I know that photo-shooting in places of worship are not as easy as I what think while trying a capture the right moment and not to disturb people from their worshiping activity. 

I was taking photos as paparazzi. HAHA. 

The people in worship place are friendly and kind to let me to take photos. The KL trip is a good experience for me. I  must have the courage to take more close-up photo.

Texture photography, here I come! 

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