Saturday, March 17, 2012

Google Sketchup

I got Google Sketchup installed on my laptop some time ago. I was interested in trying Google Sketchup. Finally, I got the chance to try it out. So here's the simple 3D visualization I did just for fun :)

The house model very a basic one...not according to any rules. Please don't follow aiiks...what a bad example >< . Next time, I'll show a better one. So yeah, I would like to learn more about Google Sketchup so shall I start practicing the mouse skills so that I can catch a mouse? I need to estimate completion time accurately. More shortcut keys should be learned to make our life easier in doing architectural modelling. There's also quite a number of tutorial videos on the web. Overall, Google Sketchup is fun and user-friendly. Quick and easy ketchup. Opps! Google sketchup sounds like ketchup. Hmm, the person who named must have been eating a lot of ketchup. XD

Okay, enough is enough.

Coming up next: Blender VS Google Sketchup VS CAD VS Rhino VS Vray VS Indigo. Which one will win. By the way, I'm reading a forum I like this quote "...just hate when things like this degenerate into "A must be used for this, B must be used for this, A is better than B, B is better than A, etc.". I think the best judge of what a program can do is to take a look in its user gallery or see how it integrates in other artists' workflow. I like modeling my windows in Blender for the most part because I'm a bit OCD when it comes to keeping my mesh sparkly clean. That said, I'm also guilty of hacking out quick study models in SketchUp (even though I barely know how to use it, hard to be interested in it). I've also seen very clean models done in SketchUp that are a breeze to work with, so that's why I find it very hard to say what is best. I'd rather stress good modeling practice and discipline, as those can be applied to either or :P"

I'll be be continued......

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