Monday, April 2, 2012

First day of studio class

It's the first day of studio class after some short breaks. I got into group A so it's a morning class session. We had a brief talk. Some terminologies were introduced to us. Nothing much happened. We remained in our seats and just to be able to relax and listened to our lecturers till the class was dismissed.

Things to bring: A4 sketchbook , A3 butter sketch book, balsa strips, foam board, paperboard, wire mesh, rubber sheet a.k.a rubber mat, skewers a.k.a Satay sticks...and not to forget other model-making materials and tools like glue, superglue, scissors, rubber sheet, ...

Welcome to Taylor's University Lakeside Campus my new friends.
It's time to start my engine and get it to full throttle.

Gotta go!

Angeline K

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