Tuesday, March 27, 2012

X-field: Cross disciplinary practice

Hello! I miss SABD lecture series so much! Hmmm when is the next lecture series? Okay, let me share with you something about the lecture. I saved the blog post as a draft in Windows Liver Writer and I leave it until now. So here's what I typed after attending the SABD Lecture Series in last year...

"Today, I went to the SABD Lecture Series at LT12. It’s about the X-field: Cross disciplinary practice. Well, it is not a compulsory attendance. My curiosity towards the cross disciplinary brought me there.

So, there’s not much people attended the lecture, probably because it was conducted during lunch hour but it was short and understandable. Basically, the invited speaker presented the projects by RMIT students and lecturers. I was fascinated by her interest in taking photographs of mops and collecting the oranges around the world.

What I remembered the most during her lecture was she said that we must do observation such as the movement of people, the lights, the shadow of wind, etc, rather reading tons of books.

She also encouraged us to join talk, discussion, so that we can interact and find out more about Architecture. All the memories had been brought up to my mind when she was showing the collections of Ephemeral Architecture like miniature arts.

She introduced a little bit about landscape architecture. And so, she showed us some aerial photographs and told us that the architects walked 100 miles to do site analysis, sketch the pics, build the house that adapts the environment. the shadows of the trees fall on the wall of the building during the dawn or dusk. She also talked about political architecture, like what makes you to decide designing the structure."

What's the name of the lecturer ? I remembered that she's a lecturer from RMIT. Do you know "her"?

Pls tell me if you do so.

I'll be back.

Angeline K

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