Monday, May 6, 2013

Understanding The 'Scary' Skeletal Structure

Yes, I'm back to blog something I've just done.

It's an animated image what I've captured in the time lapse of model testing for Building Construction 2.

I enjoyed doing the project. It's so much fun to test the strength of our popsicle sticks tower during model testing session haha. Glad we made it but we had to see the popsicle stick tower being destroyed in the end :(

see how's our lecturer reacted

Time lapse photo of the model testing

First attempt:
 Second attempt:

So here's the video of Popsicle Stick Tower Strength Test Part 1:

Building Construction 2 Project 1: Understanding Skeletal Structure
NO GLUE or any adhesive material is used.

Height: 35 cm
Weight:75 g
The Popsicle sticks tower sustained 53.75 kg in 2 minutes.

Efficiency, E=Load Held (Grams)/Mass of
Tower (Grams)x Height of Tower

Efficiency: 25.08

Popsicle Stick Tower Strength Test Part 2: (still thinking how to rotate the video)

Building Construction 2 Project 1: Understanding Skeletal Structure
NO GLUE or any adhesive material is used.

Height: 35 cm 
Weight:75 g
 The Popsicle Tower sustained 82.25 kg of load

Yeah so this is it for now!

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