Sunday, April 28, 2013

Software Installation AutoCAD Architecture and SketchUp Pro 8

Good morning, world! It's me, Angeline and it's nearly the end of the month of April already. Time flies and I'm still alive. No time didn't blog anything here. I miss blogging sigh. Need to brush up my blogging skill heh.

Haven't slept yet because I got too excited about my computer application project . I need to either upgrade my laptop or considering of getting a personal desktop computer or both ahah!

AutoCAD architecture installed few days ago!

and after had some trials and errors to activate the SketchUp Pro 8...

I can use Sketup Pro 8 whenever I want hehe. 
Hints: Need to get serial no. and activation code.

Here's what I did when the license is expired and I still can't activate the program and I still want to use SketchUp Pro.

So here's what I did (took me 10-15 minutes to do system restore)...

AK's Tips 4U: 

1. Restore your computer system to earlier time. You can find it at Start> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore but be mindful that you better save the important files first before doing system restore because you might lost some of the files.

So I gotta continue to do my design project and will come back to blog soon :)

P/S: Does anybody know where is this place?

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