Monday, May 6, 2013

Understanding The 'Scary' Skeletal Structure

Yes, I'm back to blog something I've just done.

It's an animated image what I've captured in the time lapse of model testing for Building Construction 2.

I enjoyed doing the project. It's so much fun to test the strength of our popsicle sticks tower during model testing session haha. Glad we made it but we had to see the popsicle stick tower being destroyed in the end :(

see how's our lecturer reacted

Time lapse photo of the model testing

First attempt:
 Second attempt:

So here's the video of Popsicle Stick Tower Strength Test Part 1:

Building Construction 2 Project 1: Understanding Skeletal Structure
NO GLUE or any adhesive material is used.

Height: 35 cm
Weight:75 g
The Popsicle sticks tower sustained 53.75 kg in 2 minutes.

Efficiency, E=Load Held (Grams)/Mass of
Tower (Grams)x Height of Tower

Efficiency: 25.08

Popsicle Stick Tower Strength Test Part 2: (still thinking how to rotate the video)

Building Construction 2 Project 1: Understanding Skeletal Structure
NO GLUE or any adhesive material is used.

Height: 35 cm 
Weight:75 g
 The Popsicle Tower sustained 82.25 kg of load

Yeah so this is it for now!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Software Installation AutoCAD Architecture and SketchUp Pro 8

Good morning, world! It's me, Angeline and it's nearly the end of the month of April already. Time flies and I'm still alive. No time didn't blog anything here. I miss blogging sigh. Need to brush up my blogging skill heh.

Haven't slept yet because I got too excited about my computer application project . I need to either upgrade my laptop or considering of getting a personal desktop computer or both ahah!

AutoCAD architecture installed few days ago!

and after had some trials and errors to activate the SketchUp Pro 8...

I can use Sketup Pro 8 whenever I want hehe. 
Hints: Need to get serial no. and activation code.

Here's what I did when the license is expired and I still can't activate the program and I still want to use SketchUp Pro.

So here's what I did (took me 10-15 minutes to do system restore)...

AK's Tips 4U: 

1. Restore your computer system to earlier time. You can find it at Start> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore but be mindful that you better save the important files first before doing system restore because you might lost some of the files.

So I gotta continue to do my design project and will come back to blog soon :)

P/S: Does anybody know where is this place?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chinese New Year and Valentine's

  Happy Chinese New Year. Fun times passed by so fast and it's day 5 already and Happy Valentine's Day too, peeps! Don't ever forget to spend this lovely day with your loved ones. Make everyday Valentine's Day. Appreciate each moment you share with them. Always show how much you care and love your dear ones throughout your life. Love, peace and joy to you all ♥

 Finally, came back from 6 Days 5 Nights Malacca field trip last Thursday..It was just two days before Chinese New Year. Oh gosh, it was the worst experience of my travelling life but thank God I met good friends during this field trip to help me to get through all the traumatic events. Meanwhile, I needed to do something with my hands so I was playing the the painting techniques these few days as. Was trying to do monochrome painting. Excuse me for my noob skills ><

I need to adjust the tone in the painting. so yea need to practice. Practice makes perfect or at least makes deeper learning.

I still have lots of sketches to do so till next time.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

AutoCAD is Fun!

Ayee! Long time no see. The holidays ended too soon. Time to learn autoCAD! 

21.3.2013 MONDAY 
9.00-1.50 p.m 

AutoCAD is not auto at all but it's fun...a more advanced version of paint. Well , we learnt to identify what's in it and few basic commands. Lastly, we had got to create a football field drawing, After about half an hour introduction, we started to type some commands. Somehow, it reminded me of logic gates hmmh...

Description- Keyboard shortcut



my reference:


23.1.2013 WEDNESDAY 2.00-5.30 p.m

Today's autoCAD tutorial was fun and relaxing. We learnt few of the commands. Then, we put what we have learnt into good practices.



To see the whole zoom out screen:


Here's 1 of the autoCAD drawings I've done today...Hello Kitty!

autoCAD 2011 version

autoCAD 2009 version

I prefer to use the newer version as the grid lines are more visible as compared to the grid dots in 2D drafting and annotation mode

Can't wait for the next lesson! Okay, I'll go and learn few more examples. 

Till next time :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

First Post of The Year

It's 2013. Happy New Year! Here I am to recall back projects that I have been involved last year. Spring cleaning time so yeah need to clean off the remainder before the coming projects that are measured drawings and documentation. I don't want my folder monster to hunt me during night time :/