Friday, April 27, 2012

4th week

It's my 4th week. I was so busy with my assignments. It's coming non-stop so we will have to effectively schedule our time so we can get on the track. I have to brush up eyes and hands coordination skill. On Sunday, we stayed at the design studio to finish the model. We had a 1:20 scale model design studio submission on Monday, 4 sketches for design comm. on Thursday.

For design studio submission, we waited for about 1 1/2 hour  for our lecturers to evaluate our model. Quite amount on money spent on the models. I can buy a lots of clothes with that already. T_T. I got a shock of my life ><. A numbers of models were chosen to be built for project 2A: Hide and Peep. Then, we grouped ourselves again into 14 members and we got the plastic model. Well, I can't wait to do model exploration :)

Not forget to mention design comm. same like previous time, we placed our presentation board on the drafting table and the wall of the room and then left for 2 and half hour for our lecturers to do evaluation.

Also, Friday submission of the essay draft of the precendent study right after the lecture. Everything happen so fast. First time of my life, I slept less than 5 hours in a week so I very glad managed to get some rest this weekend. I slept for 10 hours yesterday X)

K till next time.

Angeline K


Thursday, April 19, 2012

3rd week, 3 submissions

3rd week, Thursday 

Time flies


it's the 3rd week already  

3 submissions done.

haven't got to sleep well for the past few days @@

I can't feel myself already.

I like listening to the lecture because lecturers share their life experience with us

There's a lot of interesting examples for us to see.

At the same time,

More assignments rushing in...

Gotta submit 4 sketches, 5 models as a group of 4 members, 15 variations of own model

using previous design principles like repetition, aggregation, order, rhythm, subtraction, or others like balance, asymmetry, hierarchy, ...


It's tracing and rendering time!

Angeline K

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Design Communication

Day 2

A rainy to begin my day.

Design communication.

Brief talk

orthographic drawing, axonometric drawing, tonal values, ...

Convey ideas

through sketch, plan, elevation, section, ...

Inspiring ideas and sketches

On-site drawing on campus.

Surprised to see a book fair bee walking in front of me while sketching in the library.

Things to take note:

shade and shadows






brief description

architectural lettering

Gotto practice a lot of sketching!

You can do better than this ><


Angeline K.

Monday, April 2, 2012

First day of studio class

It's the first day of studio class after some short breaks. I got into group A so it's a morning class session. We had a brief talk. Some terminologies were introduced to us. Nothing much happened. We remained in our seats and just to be able to relax and listened to our lecturers till the class was dismissed.

Things to bring: A4 sketchbook , A3 butter sketch book, balsa strips, foam board, paperboard, wire mesh, rubber sheet a.k.a rubber mat, skewers a.k.a Satay sticks...and not to forget other model-making materials and tools like glue, superglue, scissors, rubber sheet, ...

Welcome to Taylor's University Lakeside Campus my new friends.
It's time to start my engine and get it to full throttle.

Gotta go!

Angeline K