Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sculpture idea

What's Coachella? It sounds like cochlea for me. Cochlea is a spiral tube hearing part of the inner ear! It resembles a snail-shaped creature. @@"

This made me think of making a star globe or UFO because they are everywhere.

By the way, I was having a thought of making a star-related sculpture.

Hmmm...any ideas on how to make a sketch of it?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Beginning

Hello World! Finally, I created this blog after a few months of careful plans when I had first thought of having it. Well, Archkon is the name of the blog because the blog name "AK47", "Akon", "A-kon" and "Ikon" were taken by somebody else. Okay, this is not exactly the reason.I'll be using this blog to share interesting stuffs or maybe some random thoughts of mine so stay tuned. Thank you for paying me a visit.
